

1 Intro

2 Contents

3 Localhost

3.1 System Config

3.2 Unique Identifier

4 System Objects

4.1 URI Access Resolver

4.2 Job Status

4.3 History

4.3.1 Change Sets

4.3.2 Tags

4.3.3 Branches

1 Intro

The Cosmos is the base interface to access all the data available. The hierarchical data structure similar to a file system or the Web. Domain object nodes form the first level in the hierarchy with the "localhost" as the special domain, differing from system to system.


3 Localhost


3.1 System Config

A simple config object in /localhost/system/config stores system dependent settings. For a new installation, where the localhost directory does not yet exist, a copy of / forms the initial config.

3.2 Unique Identifier

In some situations we like to identify a specific host instance within the Cosmos. For this purpose the localhost domain specifies a UUID that is generated at the first startup.

Never copy the /localhost/ID.xml file from one instance to another!

4 System Objects

Certain objects are interpreted by the system itself. They are located in the .../sys container object at every level in the hierarchy.

4.1 URI Access Resolver

The .../sys/resolver objects map the provided URIs to the corresponding access with object ID, view scope and optional parameters.

4.2 Job Status

.../sys/status and .../sys/error

4.3 History

.../sys/status and .../sys/error

4.3.1 Change Sets


4.3.2 Tags

.../sys/history/tags/MyTag, ...

4.3.3 Branches

.../sys/history/branches/MyBranch, ...


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