
Cosmos Object Model

1 Chapter

2 Cosmos Hierarchy

3 Nodes

3.1 ObjectNode

3.1.1 Object Names

3.2 Entity Node

3.3 DataAccess

3.4 Modifications

1 Chapter


2 Cosmos Hierarchy

<model id="model_1" xmlns="">
<type id="type_10" name="NodeBase">
<relation id="relation_1" type="composite">
<start role="parent" cardinality="0..1"/>
<end ref="#type_10" role="childNodes" cardinality="0..*"/>
<type id="type_1" name="ElementNode" specialize="#type_10">
<relation id="relation_2" type="composite">
<start role="element" cardinality="1"/>
<end ref="#type_3" role="attributes" cardinality="0..*"/>
<type id="type_2" name="ObjectNode" specialize="#type_1">
<type id="type_6" name="DataAccessNode" specialize="#type_1">
<type id="type_7" name="MetaNode" specialize="#type_1">

Cosmos - Domain - ObjectNode - content
            - ...         - ...               - meta
                                               - history

3 Nodes

3.2 Entity Node

An entity node is a identifiable node within the object node's content. It defines an "id" attribute with a unique value within this content.

Since the element names for entity nodes represent the entity's type, it is suitable to model entity structures with a schema.

3.3 DataAccess


Data Access

3.4 Modifications


Cosmos Manipulation


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