Use a Web Map as your bookmark manager.
Tag Clouds
A tag cloud is just another view on a map.
A playground to try out the LivCos Web Map features.
Everything about the LivCos project.
Maps, Items, Relations
A map is a container for items. These items can related to each other to form a network structure.
Notes, Links, Images
An map item can contain text notes, hyper links and images.
Data Model
A Web Map is a simple collection of related items.
How to select multiple items and their relations in one go?
Brainstorming about Web Map features.
 Bug List
Bugzilla – Bug List
Web Map
Features available in a Web Map.
Note as Relation Comment
If a relation is not commented, we could use the first note of the item, it references.
Notes, Links, Images
An map item can contain text notes, hyper links and images.
Quickly Add a Link
A short cut to quickly add the link, currently active in your Web browser.
Move, Copy Relations
Move and copy relations from one item into another one.
Features to Come
Planned features for the LivCos Web Map implementation.
Import Browser Bookmarks
Import Web Browser bookmarks into a Web Map. Folders will be mapped into simple items containing the items for the bookmark with the corresponding link and comments.
Shortcut Toolbar
Icon toolbar at the top middle of the page.
Manual Layout
Allow the user to change the item/relation layout of the Web GUI.
Highlight Stored Change
Highlight the modified relation, note or link for a short while after the change has been saved.
Paths between Items
Feature to show all possible paths connecting two different map items.
 User Guide
Web Map User Guide
 LivCos Web GUI Manual
Web GUI User Manual
Tips and Tricks
Tips and tricks to use a Web Map.
Welcome to the Web Map Tour! Learn how to use a Web Map with a tour through it's basic features.

A Web Map helps you to find your way through the Internet.

It is a small, young LivCos application, implementing a simple network structure.

Read more on the project page...
