Web Map
A Web Map helps you to find your way through the Internet.
User Guide
Web Map User Guide
LivCos Web GUI Manual
Web GUI User Manual
Welcome to the Web Map Tour! Learn how to use a Web Map with a tour through it's basic features.
Tips and Tricks
Insert an Item
Press the "insert" key to bring up the new item dialog.
Ctrl Click Shortcut
Press and hold the Ctrl key while navigating to an item. If the item contains a link, the process automatically redirects to the links destination.
Add Links, Notes, Images
Via the context menu of the currently active item, you can add new notes, links or items to the description content of the item.
Best Practice
Some tips to improve the quality of your map.
Keep it Simple
Don't build complex items with a heavy load content.
Divide and Conquer
Don't put all your stuff into one item. Split your content into sub topics. Then create and relate them as separate items.
Connect Items
When you insert an item with a label, matching the label of an existing label, the existing item gets connected instead of creating a new one.
Reorder Related Items
Simply drag&drop the related items to reorganize the relation layout.
Hot Picks and Entry Items
Simply use your browser's bookmarks to manage your hot pick items and starting maps.
Create Map
You can enter the URI of a new map, when inserting a new item. The item will be created in a new map.
Maps, Items, Relations
A map is a container for items. These items can related to each other to form a network structure.
Use the Clipboard
Use Cut&Paste to manage map items and their relations.
Bidirectional Relations
When two items relate to each other, these relations are treated as one (in delete, copy, move).
New Relation Copies
A copy of an item automatically generates new relations towards this copy for the items relating to the copy source.
Tips and tricks to use a Web Map.